JAM 2009

Samstag 29. August 2009

Grossen Dank an alle Mitwirkenden, Helfer , Sponsoren und Gäste !!
We would like to thank all participants, Sponsors and guests for making this a great event !!
<-- click to zoom

© 2009 The Levin Statzer Foundation

Cam: Natascha Neulinger
Cut: Patrick Hackermueller
Music: SKERO


& paint action
The finished Masterpieces


#1: Jaye&Kashink

#2: Mason

#3: Sand

#3: Syde

Ein Resume von Niko


Ein kräftiges Signal der Kulturvielfalt Wiens ist die alljährlich vom Kunstverein Levin Statzer Urban Art durchgeführte Levin Jam, ein Künstlertreffen zum Gedenken an den viel zu früh verstorbenen Levin Statzer, Mitgestalter der jungen und wilden Sprayerszene im Wien der 80er und 90er Jahre.


A few words from Maeva

(kashink), Paris

When my crewgirl (NGS!!) and dear friend JAYE called me to invite me to Vienna, I was thrilled! I knew very little about the city, all I knew was that we were going to paint together for a jam in LEVIN’s memory. I never had the chance to meet him but I was very touched by such a great way to remember him, year after year. Then JAYE introduced me to his wonderful mom Doris and I really felt so welcome… I’ll never forget the homemade Bellinis we had that night! It was raining on August 29th, but we had a great time laughing, drinking and of course painting! I met many other writers, Levin’s friends, and it was nice being among all these people having fun painting in his memory. At the end of the day, I didn’t know much more about the city but I knew a lot more about how welcoming and warmhearted Viennese people are!



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